She's holding a lady bug and she says "Why is my lady bug not crawling?"
I say "He's probably afraid."
She says in the most appalled voice "Afraid of WHO!?!?"
She can not imagine why a little tiny lady bug would be afraid of her, she loves him so much she would never hurt him.
Watching a Bosley Hair commercial..
"Mama, do you think Daddy wants hair? Maybe he should go there."
For the record, Daddy doesn't want hair, he shaves his head, he's not going bald.
Watching Cash Cab there are two obviously gay men in the cab (I didn't say anything.)
When it ends Ellie says "Do you think they are married?"
I say: "Who? Those men?
She says "yeah."
I say "To eachother?"
She says "yeah, do you think they are married to eachother?"
I told her "yes, I think they are probably married, why did you think they are married?"
Ellie: "Because they both have glasses."
Hu? Ok, goofy kid. I think she had the intuition that they were gay but wasn't sure when I asked why she thought that, so she threw the glasses in there?
She calls the new kitten Salmon instead of Simon.
Older ones...
Nov 2006
One day a friend was sitting with her for 10 minutes while I finished up at work and she said:
"I love my Mama."
R said: "Yeah, you have a pretty good mom."
E: "Yeah, I really really love my Mama."
R: Smiles and nods
E: "I really really really really love my Mama."
In the loudest voice possible, borderline screaming:
"Mom, Mom, I really have to tell you something!"
"What's that?"
"Raisins are healthy for us!"
We are house/dog sitting for 10 days and yesterday when we were coming over here I told Ellie that Phoebe was going to be there, who is Diane's sister (my SIL) and then I asked if she remembered her.
She said "Yes..."Then she said "Is she human?"
My friend brought her baby over and Ellie wanted to hold her... so she was allowed but with help..
Then she said "Someday I am going to grow real big like you and my mom, THEN I can really hold the baby."
We were trying to jump the car Ellie started freaking out and crying and asking "Why is Daddy taking all of our gas!!" She knows cars need gas and she knew the car wasn't working and saw the cables hooked from the van to the car.
Dec 2006
Ellie was telling Cassie how she was going to be 8 someday too and Cassie was telling her after she's 4, 5, 6 and 7... and then Ellie says: "Cassie, guess what, when I am 8 you are going to be 3!"
We did Christmas with Cassie early (because she's at her mom's for Christmas) so we let Ellie open a couple things too and they got roller blades... So they were out rollerblading and Ellie was having trouble at first and she says: "Cassie, when I was 8, and when I grew bigger, I used to do this all the time!"
"When I grow up to be a teenager I am going to marry daddy and get a baby in my belly."
Jan 2007
Ellie was at work with me and a co-worked took her potty. She was in the stall and her and another co-worker were in the bathroom and they hear her grunting... then she anounces really loudly "I really need to eat more vegetables!"
One night Ellie and I were going to lay down and she was going to sleep on the outside of the bed and I asked her to sleep on the other side so I could get up easier and she said: "Will you look at me?" (Which meant face her while laying down because I switch side back and forth)
I said "Sure baby"
Then she said: "can we touch?" (which apparently meant snuggle )
I said "Of-course!"
So we layed down and cuddled and she said "It makes my heart feel good when we touch."
Feb 2007
"Mama, can we get the healthy food for the dogs?"
"I don't know what you mean baby"
"You know, the kind with vegetables!"
"Mama, does your work stay up"
"Do you mean does it close?"
"No, does it stay up all night?"
"I am not sure what you mean, it doesn't stay open all night."
"No, I mean your work family, do they stay up all night?"
"Oh mom, my poop is really yucky today, come look!"
"Mom I have crumbs in my butt"
Ellie had a penpal named Hero and the other day we were watching Animal Planet and they were at the Denver zoo and I said "Look, it's the Zoo in Denver, that's where Hero lives"
And Ellie looks at me really confused and scrunched up her face and said "Hero lives at the zoo?"
Mar 2007
In the middle of the night the other night Ellie yells really loudly (while sleeping)"Nattie is upside down!" (the dog)
"What is that, yogurt?"
"No it's mayonaise."
"Why are you putting mayonaise in your yogurt? I don't want mayonaise in my yogurt!"
I guess she was stuck on it being yogurt.
The other day DH farts and says "Ellie did you hear those barking spiders?"
Ellie laughs
I say: "What did those spiders crawl up your ass?"
Ellie says: "No it IS Daddy's ass!"
The other day Ellie said: "You are the best mom ever.... in my WHOLE LIFE!"(She thought adding in my WHOLE LIFE (with emphasis) was adding more meaning to it )
Then I said: "You are the best daughter ever"
Then she says "In your WHOLE LIFE!"
Apr 2007
Almost everynight Ellie watches the "Goodnight Show" on Sprout and everynight at the same time they read cards that people send into their kids. And it's Ellie's favorite part.
And everynight Elmo sings a Birthday song as if singing to the kids.
And Ellie always says: "it's not my birthday dude" (and she uses a funny voice when she says it.)
I told Ellie "I love you all the way to Mars and back!"
She promptly responded with "I love you all the way to Pluto and back!"
For easter she got a set to make balloon animals. Well at first we weren't so good at it except making snakes and I made one into a hat and it had a piece that stood up on the top and Ellie puts it on and says "Yay, a penis hat!"
Ellie was farting all day and Doug made a comment how I don't freak out on her when she farts (I yell at him to leave the room.
I said: "Her farts don't gross me out like yours."
He said: "Oh yeah, because her farts smell like roses."
Ellie: "No, my farts smell like hot dogs."
Ellie sings all the time and when she sings The Little Red Caboose she says "The little red aboose chug chug"
We were in the kitchen and Ellie said she would carry my plate of food. I told her I would carry it because it was hot and she should just carry hers.
Then we sat down to eat and I took a bite and she said "Is your hotter than hell?"
( I did not say hotter than hell in the previous conversation)
Ellie got upset because we didn't do something we wanted to do today.
I told her "It's bedtime the sun is going down, we can try to do it tomorrow."
She says while crying "No, the earth is turning, why did you say the sun is going down?!?!" (she knows how night and day work)
I told Ellie that Daddy and I were going to a place just for grown-ups and that she was going to go to Grandma's house. At first she was upset but I told her that Daddy and I really needed to spend some grown up time together.
She says: "Ohhh... so you can dance?" DH and I DO NOT dance and we have never danced together, not even at our wedding...
but rather than explaining this to a 4-year old I said "Yep, so we can dance."
Then she says: "And have dinner?"
This must be what grown ups do on dates, dance and have dinner.
One night eating strawberries Ellie took a chop stick and speared the Strawberry and says: "Hey, I know, this is just like when you cook rats on stick on a fire!"
(Shrek-as I found out later) So we cooked all of our rats over the bowl (they sat on speared chop sticks) and we weren't allowed to eat them until they were cooked.
Ellie is fascinated that she's growing hair on her arms and frequently she will rub her arm and look at it and say "I am so glad I am growing hair!"
May 2007
I went to the doctor today and when I came home I took off my clothes and I was laying on the bed with just my underware on and a blanket over me.
Ellie says: "Can you wear some clothes?"
I say: "I don't want to put on clothes right now.
"Ellie: "Did you go to work naked?"
Me: "No I didn't go to work today I went to the doctors this morning."
Ellie: "Did you go to the doctor naked?"
Ellie was convinced she had a penis. She thought her clitoris was a "small" penis and wouldn't not believe us it wasn't...UNTIL... my friends little boy peed in front of her in his yard the other day and for about three days she asked all kinds of questions about why his penis looked differently from hers.
June 2007
After I had leg cramps the other day Ellie tells this story:"When I was Mama's age my leg cramped really really bad. My leg was going like this (making a squeezing hand movement) and it hurt so bad I cried"
July 2007
I told Ellie the baby will be here in about 40 more days or so and she said "40!!! I can't wait that long!!!"
Aug 2007 before Elyza was born
We put some cloth diapers on Ellie's baby dolls the other day and then she runs into the room and says "Hey mom, I need a fire passer!"
Ellie had two cabbage patch dolls (one was mine when I was a kid, one hers) and she came in with them and said "Can you babysit my baby for me? I was pregnant twice so I have two twins, a boy and a girl." So I tell her sure. She then says "He's a little bit whiny but he will be ok."
Sept 2007
"I'll have one of those things that looks like a donut but they aren't a donut" (a bagel)
"Mama, the spider that is living in the spider web on my swingset... I comanded it to be my best friend."
ME: "Yeah? Did it listen?"
"Yes, I told it that it could live there, but it didn't want to get held though."
"I haven't had spider friends in a long time, that's why I let it live here. M's mom would kill it, but I would tell her NO! She's my best friend." (M is the neighbor)
I was nursing Elyza and Ellie said "I want a baby boy now."
I laughed and told her we needed to wait awhile before having another baby and then explained how we didn't get to choose if we got a boy or a girl.
Then Ellie said "How are you going to take care of two babies?"
"I know! The big dipper looks like one of our measuring tape cups!"
Ellie says "American States" like "that's the American States flag." Or "We live in the American States"
I said "I don't know, that's hard!"
Then Ellie said "With that boob" and pointed to the boob I wasn't nursing Elyza with.
At first Ellie called a pacifier a "Fire Passer" Now it's a "Pire Fasser"
Guitar = rocktar
This is how I found out:"
I am a fairy with pink wings and black rocktars."
"ok" (not really listening) " wait, what, you have black what?""Rocktars."
"What is a rocktar?"
"you know" (makes playing guitar motion.)
"oh, a guitar?""yeah"
Then she said guitar once and then started calling it a rocktar again.
Feb 2008
This hot dog is damn good
Just Keep Swimming...
4 days ago