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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Baby Wearing

I did not know about all the cool kinds of ways to wear your baby when Ellie was little. I had a snuggli and that really kinda sucked and my arms just can't hold a baby for that long, they hurt.

Well, I now know of so many ways to wear your baby now. I have three slings, one that I made myself. I have a Ring Sling, a Pouch Sling and a Mei Tai. Lately Elyza has been riding in the Mei Tai my back with a high back carry, rutsack or backpack style. The pouch (for hip carry) and the ring sling are good for quick trips, like into and out of the grocery store. The Mei Tai is good for carrying her, like when we went to Jordan Bridge and when we walk long distances.

Yesterday all my slings were slung over the car seat, I like to keep them handy, and they looked very pretty all lined up. So I took a photo, above. The top is my ring sling (Maya Wrap), the second is the pouch that I made myself and the third is my Mei Tai that I bought on ebay for about 1/2 the cost of a new one.

I have always been attracted to natural parenting, from the start, I didn't even know there was a community of Attachment Parents and Natural Parents even though this was the path I was on. Since then, 5 1/2 years after becoming a mother I am emerged into all of this.

The Natural Child Project, Top Ten Reasons to Wear your Baby

I firmly believe in baby wearing. Here are some MORE great resources for baby wearing...

The Baby Wearer
ASK Dr Sears - Baby Wearing
Wear Your Baby
Baby Wearing Conference 2008
Wikipedia - Babywearing

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