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Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Ellie has conjunctivitis (pink eye)!! Poor kid. Cassie has it too but she was just starting to rub at her eyes when she went home on Monday and I don't think she got it as bad as Ellie did. I guess Cassie's brother brought it home from daycare, gave it to Cassie and Cassie gave it to Ellie.

Ellie's tear ducts and eyelids are really infected, but we have antibiotics now she she should be better in no time! She started with a fever on Monday, then it got worse and worse, nothing with her eyes until early Tueaday morning and she woke up with her eyes crusted. By that afternoon she looked like this (that's when we went to the doctor)

This was today, 1 day on the antibiotics, a bit better but still looking bad. She also has bad broken blood vessels in her eyes now (in each corner its all red)

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