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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Night Terrors

Last night Ellie woke up screaming. She has only been asleep for maybe 10 or 15 minutes and she woke up screaming "I want my Mama!" I kept telling her I was her mommy, I tried to hold her, I tried to comfort her, I asked if she wanted me to lay with her, or if she wanted to come to my bed. Finally I asked her if she wanted me to leave and she said "yes." But she continued to cry. My mother went in there (she was visiting) and she tried to comfort her and all she would say is "I want my Mama!" She told me so many times "I want my Mama!" Even I was beginning to wonder if I really was her mother, she was determined that I wasn't.

Finally after about 30 minutes of this she got up off her bed, looked right at me and said "I want to sleep with you!" I picked her up, cuddled her, brought her to my bed and she was just fine.
I wonder if she had a Nightmare or if she has Night Terrors?


Berlin Hair Baby said...

hello, you've probably researched this already - but the fact thát it happened so soon after her falling asleep is very night terror-esque. Regardless, I hope it doesn't happen often - must be stressful. Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie,
Leslie's son, Clayton has night terrors. They told me when they are inconsolable, that this is when they call it a night terror. Their Dr. recommended that they not watch the news when he was in the room. God knows there are some pretty scary things on it, that are way beyond a toddlers understanding ( or mine at times)