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Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

Father's Day was yesterday. We started off the morning early, well at least I did. Miss Elyza decided 6:30am was a grand time to get up, it really wasn't! I finally got my butt out at about 7:15am and started breakfast. I made Doug sausage, biscuts and gravy. I made myself a bit of potatoes and some scrambled eggs. Ellie at eggs and sausage, Cassie ate eggs and biscuts with jam. Miss Elyza ate some of everything. Everyone was happy.

Then I told DH he needed to cut his hair, it was getting long, like almost 1/16 of an inch (lol) but Ellie didn't want him to, until he told her she could cut his hair. So Cas played with Elyza, I trimed the dogs and Ellie cut Daddy's hair.

For dinner Doug's Dad, Angie and his brother and sister came over. We grilled flank steak and asparagus, portobellos, pineapple and teriyaki chicken (yes, all of that was grilled.) We also had potato salad, pasta salad, ungrilled pineapple and watermelon.

I framed the picture of the girls in the tulips and they made him cards. That is now tradition, a framed picture of the girls in the tulips. It was a nice day, I hope!

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