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Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Elyza has been doing pat-a-cake for a while now, but until today she would only do it with someone else's hands (or feet!) She would take our hands and put them together, or her feet, or a baby doll's hands. It was pretty sweet.
But the other day she did it with her own hands. She doesn't quite have clapping down but it is what she is doing, because she starts putting her hands together when you start singing patty cake.
She is such a doll.

The photo above: Ellie likes to put Elyza in this bucket and scoot her around the house. Elyza loves it! The other day she put Cooper in there with her. It was pretty cute.


Anonymous said...

She is getting so big. Watch out she will be doing school work before you know it.

*Jess* said...

way to go, Elyza!!

Anonymous said...

she is just too adorable!!

Anonymous said...

So cute! Aidan does the roll 'em up part and the throwing part but we can't seem to get him to clap his hands, because he wants to skip ahead to the rolling part. LOL! Elyza is a cutiepie!
