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Friday, May 09, 2008

My sweet Ellie

Ellie has mentioned a few times that she misses cuddling with me. I try to find time to cuddle with her, but with Doug gone at nights and Elyza hooked to the boob it is hard. Last night I was able to pull Elyza off and keep her asleep so I rolled over to cuddle Ellie and when I did she told me again that she missed cuddling with me. It made me sad. She is not complaining, just commenting. She is such a sweet little peach.

Last night I told her a story about one night when she was about 3 years old and I could not sleep. I was tossing and turning and could not rest. Finally after hours of this I snuggled up to her (she sleeps in my bed) and fell right to sleep. She really enjoyed this story, she likes to hear stories about things that happened "a long time ago."

Lately I have been telling her little stories about my childhood or past stories and she is really enjoying them and it is really helping us relate and connect.

My sweet Ellie.

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